
Advertising Taglines as facebook Status Messages Updates

Advertising Taglines as Funny facebook Status Messages Updates
  1. wants YOU!
  2. melts in your mouth, not in your hands.
  3. is good to the last drop.
  4. is magically delicious.
  5. contains calcium, something your body uses anyways.
  6. is cuckoo for cocoa puffs.
  7. is lovn'n it!
  8. is asking... "Can you hear me now?"
  9. sometimes feels like a nut... sometimes he don't.
  10. takes a licking and keeps on ticking.
  11. keeps going and going and going...
  12. has been informed... he has bankers... ahhh!
  13. tastes awful, but he works!
  14. is kid tested, mother approved.
  15. is strong enough for a man, but made for a woman.
  16. likes his coffee crisp!
  17. is finger lick'n good!
  18. is grrrrrrreat!
  19. is an ancient Chinese secret


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